Understanding the hierarchy order of pricing controls ensures that you can maintain a coherent and effective pricing strategy across all stay dates.
In Atomize, pricing controls are structured in a hierarchy. Each has its own level, determining which control takes precedence when multiple are applied.
Pricing controls levels:
- Default price hierarchy: The foundational pricing level for all stay dates (unless overridden by higher-level pricing controls).
- Seasonal price hierarchy: Overrides the Default hierarchy.
- Hierarchy override (Min/Max boundaries): Overriding both Seasonal and Default hierarchies.
- Price override (fixed): The highest level of control, overrules all other pricing controls and pricing rules. (Remains frozen until manually changed.)
Removing a higher-level control (e.g., Price override) will activate the next price control in the hierarchy order (e.g., Hierarchy override).
Price rules
It is possible to have price rules on near-time stay dates in Atomize. These can freeze prices, only allow an increase, or only allow a decrease in prices. What's important to understand is that they adapt to the prevailing pricing control (hierarchy), staying within the active price limits.
However, a price override (fixed) always takes precedence regardless of the price rule.
Hierarchy order
For one day you can have all pricing controls applied, thus it is the configured price override that determines what price a room type has.