In the first release, restriction management in Atomize is available for our customers on Mews PMS.
The integration is two-way, meaning that it is possible to fully manage your restrictions in Atomize - you can both add new restrictions as well as view, edit, and delete restrictions previously inputted in Mews. In order to avoid sync-errors we do however strongly recommend that you stick to one system to manage the restrictions aiming at maximizing your revenue (for rate plan configurations etc, it might be useful to manage the restrictions in Mews).
Learn more about how to manage restrictions in Atomize >
The next step - Recommending restrictions (upcoming feature)
As a next step, we are working on recommending length of stay restrictions (in combination with prices) on stay dates where we see it would have a positive impact on your revenue. We are very excited about this feature and look forward to delivering it to you later this year. Stay tuned!